Two Steps Out LAB
IT'S TIME TO REACTIVATEWHAT IF tomorrow was extraordinary?
You are a wild-spirited woman, creative, resourceful, and you love to experiment with life (or used to… right?).
You are a professional with great initiative – intrapreneur or entrepreneur.
You want to participate in something greater than yourself – but right now you’re just feeling a little stuck.
You and I are connected through trust, and a deep desire for change and growth.
You are my MUSE.
You are invited to participate actively in a powerful program to reactivate.

During the past couple years, many of us have become a little stagnant* – even though so much has changed. Not getting enough movement, and not enough [variety] + [novelty] of experiences cause staleness and fatigue. No wonder why old patterns feel so sticky, and great changes feel so daunting.
Two Steps Out LAB is a one-of-a-kind experiential program to reactivate yourself over 5 weeks. It is a unique Process that interweaves Play, Introspection and Connection through 10 genuine experiences. Truly invigorating, it takes you from one breakthrough to another, lifting you up while stimulating your creativity.
Two Steps Out LAB is a self-directed journey guided by an expert in leveraging the experience-as-a teacher. As you go, you reconnect with your wild inner self, expand your awareness, build confidence, gain innate wisdom and joy, and bring much needed change into your life. And, just like that, you rise to deeply impact the world around you.
* Yes, let’s name it. Stagnation, inertia, lethargy, dullness, heaviness, tiredness… routine, groundhog day, overly and uncomfortably comfortable, feeling stuck or “comfortably numb”. Ouf. Just acknowledging it feels better already!
This is our LAB.
Together, we’re testing the journey in order to amplify its power.
But you choose. You get to create your own experiences. It’s about your career, your health, your relationships, your dreams, your fears, your blocks and your superpowers. It’s about playing and unleashing the badass in you (who just wants to be let out!).
This is where we PLAY.
Two Steps Out LAB is for you if:
- You are driving a successful career, but when you take your shoes off your energy evaporates.
- You are feeling that life is passing by and you want to LIVE, to reactivate your incredible potential.
- Your rebel spirit is burning to come out and play, move and learn through real experience.
- You don’t like being told what to do, but when you receive wisdom, you just grab it and run with it.
- You also need to be seen, appeased, held, encouraged, praised and supported. Yes. We all do.
- You don’t know exactly what you want, but you want some things to change in your life. And that’s alright. You can’t envision what you don’t know yet.
Two Steps Out LAB is definitely for you if reading this brings up a bit of contraction, a tad of resistance, some trepidation in your gut – along with an indescribable feeling of excitement, eagerness and yearning in your heart.
I wouldn’t be who I am today without Joëlle. She is the real deal, a tour de force, and a beacon of light. What I learned and practiced with her enabled me to make a huge leap to expand my business. She has inspired me to tap into my intuition, to create the life I’m meant to be living, and to love myself and those around me unconditionally as I navigate this path we call life.
Your experiences have been inspiring, encouraging, educational, and much more 🙂. This is my story of leaving my comfort zone and finding happiness: I recognized the fact that I needed a change, that I needed to move on in my life. I took a big leap and, after 23 years of living in NYC, I have moved to my homeland Israel. It was a pretty scary process, but I did it!!! Thanks for inspiring me and other people.
When I started doing Two Steps Out experiences, I had no idea where it would lead. I only had an intention – to change my life into something extraordinary. Years later, I am still flabbergasted by what has happened and who has shown up in my life. I am honored. I see lives changing in my presence. This is the greatest gift ever. It keeps me growing and taking leaps. My next move will be big!
Two Steps Out LAB is a wow-packed
5-week program
Online: group sessions with stories-as-a-teacher and simple yet profound wisdom to reactivate your fire and power.
Offline: your own choice of experiences based on what is calling to you for a change. Yes, you are ripe!
Take the Two Steps Out leap to:
- Break free from your old patterns which no longer serve you.
- Create wiser, empowered responses to the challenging situations you are facing.
- Experiment with your own vulnerability in a safe environment with other extraordinary women.
- See your blocks and fears under a new light, and practice overcoming them without the drama.
- Integrate actions, big and small, in your daily life to lift your mood and your interactions with others.
- Elevate your charisma and enrich your “conversational capital” – your ability to attract, inspire and impact those around you.
- Revive the fearless, youthful, badass in you. Feel alive and ready to embrace what is coming next!

Two Steps Out LAB is guided by Joëlle Parent-Proulx
Up close and intimate
This is a LAB. It is real, raw, unpolished, vulnerable, magical.
You’ll hear lots of incredible stories. You’ll laugh, you might shed a tear.
You will see Joëlle walk the talk as you spread your own wings.
You are her MUSE.
You’re on the first cohort of a great expansive program.
About Joëlle Parent-Proulx
Experiential storyteller, self-disruptor, pollinator, re-activator.
Joëlle has dedicated over 1000 hours facing her fears through a series of 100+ self-directed experiences. Two Steps Out began as a real-life project to venture outside the “box”, this uncomfortable comfort zone where many get stuck. She committed to one experience every week x 52, and the experiment turned into a powerful medicine which inspires and transforms the world around her.
Many years ago, Joëlle had left the corporate world to start her own translation business, drawing on the trust and relationships she had built over the years. But, after a while, she wasn’t having much fun and she felt stuck in what she had created for herself.
She needed dramatic change in her life, while still tending to her growing business. She knew she had to do something novel and bold… something badass. She challenged herself to do one experience outside of her comfort zone every single week for a full year.
She jumped willingly into a diverse range of formidable situations, with an open heart and a sink-or-swim attitude. She reconnected with her inner spark, developing courage, strength and confidence. She underwent tremendous healing. She met and connected deeply with the most inspiring and extraordinary people. She experienced the power of vulnerability, and realized that we all have the power to deeply impact those around us. And now, she’s on a mission.
All these “initiations” have brought forth very simple yet profound wisdom that Joëlle shares in her work. Honoring the experience-as-a-teacher, she guides her clients into creating their own experiences and harvesting the incredible wisdom and power that arises.

Joëlle is offering her greatest gift of Presence wrapped in embodied storytelling, genuine curiosity, and a witty sense of humor.
This is my invitation
Watch this short 5-minute video and my personal invitation to unleash your badassness.
Watch to hear one of the most embarrassing experiences I’ve had which lead to a huge breakthrough.